How Would You Define Marketing?

what-is-marketingDuring my time at University I had to do additional reading that did not include study texts or library books. I actually had to read proper Business magazines or newspapers. The two recommended publications were “Economist” and “Financial Times”. I gave it a go, but gave up quite easily. Both were heavily focused on economics and politics – serious subjects, written about in serious language. The hardest one was the “Financial Times”. I felt like I was trying to read and understand Chinese – it was just too complicated. Besides, it is hard to get into the subject if it is not interesting fro you at all.

That is when I decided to pop in to my local WHSmith and check what other options I may have. As I was really interested in Marketing, I decided to look for magazines that are focused on that and luckily, I stumbled upon “Marketing Week” and “Marketing” magazine. I could not decide which one to pick so I bought both copies.

I really enjoy reading both of them, although I find that “Marketing” magazine is more interesting and enjoyable to read. Since then I got myself the annual subscription (thank you student’s discount!) and never looked back. Before I went to university I spent my days reading silly gossip magazines and thought that life does not get better than that. However, once I started reading proper magazines about the industry I want to work in – things changed.

I never knew it is possible to read the review about the commercial and actually enjoy it! Or feel really overwhelmed by the article about Digital Agencies. Getting inspired by the cover art or looking forward to receive next issue and feeling upset that the magazine comes out only once a month…

Anyway, the subject that I wanted to talk about (as you may see) is completely different. It was partially inspired by “Marketing” magazine. Normally, at the very end you could find a short Q and A with certain Marketing professional. And one of the questions was to describe or define what Marketing means for them. This was really interesting part as not a single person ever have provided the same answer.

This got me thinking about my own attitude towards the definition. How did I feel about it? What does it mean to me? How would I define it? For a wile I was uncertain about the answer. Until I came across one of the articles about Steve Jobs. There was his quote that forever stuck in my mind:

“A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them”.

I know that it is taken out of the context (he was talking about customer feedback) and it is still widely criticised, but for me this is how I would describe Marketing. In this industry you use and analyse data, resources and information and based on your findings you create the campaign that carries a message. This message tells and shows people why they need this product or service. However, I think that this is where the comparison with Steve Jobs’ idea ends. The customer’s feedback is actually very important and should not be ignored. It plays a huge part in the process that creates the campaign or promotion, therefore, we should not neglect it.

What do you think about this subject? What would you say is your perfect definition or understanding of Marketing? Please do share!

Thank you for stopping by.



How Would You Define Marketing?